Tuesday 23 October 2012

Job Engine

The job engine is a key part of OneFS and is responsible for maintaining the health of your cluster.

On a healthy cluster, the job engine should load at boot time and remain active unless manually disabled.  You can check that the job service is running via the below:

zeus-1# isi services isi_job_d
Service 'isi_job_d' is enabled.

The above shows that the service is enable, however running isi services by itself will not report the status of this services, to see (or modify) isi_job_d you will need to specify the -a option so that all services are returned. 

The minus -a option is a little verbose and returns 58 services as opposed to the default view of just 18, you might want to pipe the output through grep.

zeus-1# isi services -a | grep isi_job_d
isi_job_d            Job Daemon         Enabled

The below commands can be used to stop and start the job engine.

zeus-1# isi services -a isi_job_d disable
The service 'isi_job_d' has been disabled.

zeus-1# isi services -a isi_job_d enable
The service 'isi_job_d' has been enabled.
The isi job list command can be used to see all defined job engine jobs.  The below are the more common jobs that you may see running.

Name             Policy     Description                   
AutoBalance      LOW        Balance free space in the cluster.
Collect          LOW        Reclaims space that couldn't be freed due to node or disk issues.
FlexProtect      MEDIUM     Reprotect the file system.
MediaScan        LOW        Scrub disks for media-level errors.
MultiScan        LOW        Runs Collect and AutoBalance jobs concurrently.
QuotaScan        LOW        Update quota accounting for existing files.
SmartPools       LOW        Enforces SmartPools file policies.
SnapshotDelete   MEDIUM     Free space associated with deleted snapshots.
TreeDelete       HIGH       Delete a path in /ifs. 

In the above the Policy column refers to the schedule of the job and also the impact (the amount of CPU it can utilise).  Running isi job policy list will return the default scheduling.

zeus-1# isi job policy list
Job Policies:                                                                  
Name            Start        End          Impact    
--------------- ------------ ------------ ----------
HIGH            Sun 00:00    Sat 23:59    High

One of the key things to remember is that OneFS can only execute one policy at a time, as each job is scheduled a job ID is assigned to the job.  The job engine then executes the job with the lowest (integer) priority.  When two jobs have the same priority the job with the lowest job ID is executed first.

If for any reason you need a job other than the current running job to execute, you can either start a job with a low priority than any currently scheduled, or you can pause all currently scheduled jobs apart from the one you want to run.

To see the current running job, you can execute isi job status, this will also return information on paused , failed and recent jobs.

zeus-1# isi job status          

Running jobs:                                                                  
Job                        Impact Pri Policy     Phase Run Time  
-------------------------- ------ --- ---------- ----- ----------
AutoBalance[8]             Low    4   LOW        1/3   0:00:01

No paused or waiting jobs.
No failed jobs.

Recent job results:                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Time            Job                        Event                         
--------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------
10/17 15:38:15  MultiScan[1]               Succeeded (LOW) 

When Jobs Fail To Run

There are a few situations where jobs wont run.  Firstly if there are no scheduled jobs, this is common on newly commissioned clusters where there is little or no data.  You can manually kick off a job to ensure everything runs as expected.

If you have jobs that are schedule but are not running then one of the below may be the reason.

A node is offline or has just rebooted.

The job engine will only run when all nodes are available, if a node has gone offline or if a node has only just booted then you may find that no jobs are running.

Coordinator node is unavailable.

The job engine relies on one of the nodes acting as a job coordinator node, this is usually the first node in the cluster) if this node is unreachable, heavily loaded or read-only then the jobs will be suspended.  You can identify the coordinator node and its health by running the below.

zeus-1# isi job status -r       

The isi job history command can be used to see confirm when jobs last ran and how long they took.

--limit     [number of jobs to return, 0 returns all]
-v           [verbose output]
--job       [return information about a particular job type]
zeus-1# isi job history --limit=0 --job=AutoBalance -v
Job events:                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Time            Job                        Event                         
--------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------
10/18 16:37:25  AutoBalance[8]             Waiting
10/18 16:37:25  AutoBalance[8]             Running (LOW)
10/18 16:37:25  AutoBalance[8]             Phase 1: begin drive scan
10/18 16:37:26  AutoBalance[8]             Phase 1: end drive scan
        Elapsed time:                        1 second
        Errors:                              0
        Drives:                              4
        LINs:                                3
        Size:                                0
        Eccs:                                0
10/18 16:37:27  AutoBalance[8]             Phase 2: begin rebalance
10/18 16:37:27  AutoBalance[8]             Phase 2: end rebalance
        Elapsed time:                        1 second
        Errors:                              0
        LINs:                              169
        Zombies:                             0
10/18 16:37:28  AutoBalance[8]             Phase 3: begin check
10/18 16:37:28  AutoBalance[8]             Phase 3: end check
        Elapsed time:                        1 second
        Errors:                              0
        Drives:                              0
        LINs:                                0
        Size:                                0
        Eccs:                                0
10/18 16:37:28  AutoBalance[8]             Succeeded (LOW) 

The job engine may log information /var/log/messages and /var/log/isi_job_d.log


  1. How to create/schedule a custom job?

  2. Do you know the commands to reset the system read-only mode after replacing the NVRAM batteries? Thank you.
